
NMT (NFC Mobile Tool)

NMT NFC Mobile Tool RFID Kommunikation schwarz mit Micro USB

The NMT (NFC Mobile Tool) is an RFID communication device based on NFC.

Technical Information NMT

Through the integrated battery supply the device can be operated independently. The charging of the device is made automatically via the integrated USB-interface. In case of a download from the access manager the VOXIO-Bs and authorizations (transponders) are saved on the internal SD card of the NMT.

The NMT has a micro-USB connection and is directly connected to the PC (USB 2.0).

Functional characteristics

  • Automatic standby of the NMT after non-use
  • Automatic standby of NMT after disconnecting USB connection from PC
  • Long pressing of button switches off NMT completely
  • Reactivation of NMT by pressing the button
  • Automatic charging via USB connection
  • Communication to VOXIO-B via RFID / NFC
  • Signalization of NMT by means of integrated LEDs


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